Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016

description myself

I would like to introduce myself.
My Name is Pretty Elsana, my friends usually call me Elsa. I am the first children from two children in family which sues me to have mature personality dan especially take care of my brother, Riko. At this moment Riko is in 11th grade in high school. I was born in Jakarta and growing up in Bogor. At this moment, i continue my study and learn in a private university in Depok.
In personality, i am a pretty strict person and i appreciate anyone a lot mostly older people. I have a hobby. My hobby is singing. I have been singing since 3th grade in middle school. I tried to practice my singing so one day i can show people my talent. After graduated from middle school i wanted to join the choral group later in high school and i will try to join any activities that related to choral group. In 11th grade i signed to the choral test and less than a week the teacher called me. I was so surprised. I never thought my dream to join the choral group will come true. I have been practicing so hard since that time but i only joined the group till high school and didn’t continue it in university because it is hard to find time between studying and any activities in university so i decided to not join any.
My parents always support all activities i do with their prayer in my every step that makes me become the way i am at this moment. For my my family is my everything because they always give me their cheers and supports with positive activities. I always grateful to what God has given to me in my life. One thing that will always be in my mind that is “i want to make my both parents happy and proud to me, one day.” Motivation I chose accounting because I want to be a entrepreneur and then make happy my parents. I just hope my choice is carrying my name and luck for me so, I was able to help my parents and they can be proud to have a child like me. The priority in my life is carrying the name of my parents.